Wednesday, August 29, 2007

From the labs: Fast-track communication template

Okay, folks, for those of you who are braving the fast-track road... this is the message template series that's working best for me so far.

This is a three-letter sequence. Casual phrasing and social behavior are very important. Even more important than in letters written after a guided communication sequence.

Letter #1:
Begin with a salutation, thank her for agreeing to the fast track, saying that you feel this is a friendlier way to get to know each other. Close this paragraph with a light observe and challenge statement.

Open a new paragraph, ask one quick and easy question about something in the profile that intrigued you.

Letter's done. This should be very short.

Letter #2:
Give a salutation. Observe something she said or did in the last letter, and give her a funny, but minimal compliment. ("Glad to see you're not the type of girl who would [do something really silly]" would be a good one.)

Open a new paragraph, give one or two sentences that continue the conversational flow from her letter. Don't answer a lot of questions, try to leave open conversational hooks.

Next (your call as to whether this merits a new paragraph or not), ask a few questions that relate to the conversational flow. Three questions should be a pretty good number. These can be a little more "in-depth" than the one you asked in letter #1, but should still be friendly and conversational.

Close by mentioning some things you're doing in the next week that will be keeping you busy, tell her you're looking forward to talking some more.

Letter #3:
Ask for the number with letter #2 from my open communication template.

And there you go. Easy-breezy.

Maryann says:


I have decided not to initiate Fast Track any more. Maybe it is a gender thing, but it seemed to backfire when I tried it. But, I must say, nobody has tried this template with me, and it looks great!

The eH guided communication gets really burdensome after a while. A guy with skills who tried this tack would look fresh and refreshing to me. Good luck! Please report your results if you try it!

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