Thursday, May 8, 2008

Help me help you...

As always, I want to make sure that eHarmony Cracked reflects your needs.

And, in order to do that, I'd like you to help out.

So, what can you do to make sure that I continue to write articles that you'll be interested in?

Here are some projects that are underway:

Like it? Don't like it? Star it!
Blogger has recently started a new feature, allowing you to rate articles.

And, yes, I'll be listening to the feedback.

If some articles earn low ratings... I'll avoid those topics in the future.

And, if I see high ratings... I'll try hitting the topic more frequently, or in more detail.

Ask questions in our google group
I consider our google group to be an important part of the eHarmony Cracked community.

I try not to interrupt conversation too much - I've found that my input tends to settle issues, rather than forward discussion. But the conversations often inspire articles.

The reasons? Pretty obvious. If people are motivated to write something in the google group - I assume that it's a topic that people want to read about.

Squeaky wheels do get greased
I may not answer every question asked to me via email... but the questions often inspire articles.

I figure - if one person asks a question, there are probably lots of other readers who'd like to... but are too shy to say so.

So, if you want to see something addressed... send me an email. I won't promise to answer... but I will promise to read it and think about it.

Help me figure out the "Best of"
One thing that I've noticed is that this article is #385.

Obviously, asking new readers to read every single one of them is a pretty daunting task.

In order to help the new readers, I'd like to start a "Best of" section.

Unfortunately, I'm not in a good place to decide what my best articles are. And I'll need your help.

Analytics tell part of the story: Right now, our most read articles are:

Of course, just because they're the most read, doesn't mean that they're the best.

So, please... leave me a comment. What have been the most important articles to you?

I'll tally up the results, and build my "best of" section with your input.

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