Monday, May 19, 2008

When she's sold... stop selling!

When guys first start becoming successful on eHarmony, they often make a classic mistake.

For the first time, they see that a woman is becoming interested.

They start to worry... how do I keep this woman? How do I advance the relationship?

But, in their worries, they're overlooking an important point.

The woman is already trying to seduce him.

And, actually, the guy doesn't really need to do that much.

In fact, putting in too much effort at this point, can be counterproductive.

If she's already giving you praise, and you're looking like you're asking for more, you begin to look needy.

And, if you bend over backwards to impress, or "be nice", she starts wondering how genuine you really are.

So, when she's starting to chase you... relax.

And decide for yourself whether or not you want to be seduced.

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