Friday, May 16, 2008

Ladies: Don't worry THAT much about your looks.

Since I've decided to provide a little bit of advice for women on this blog, I think I'll go into something that most women feel just a little too insecure about.

Yes, when guys talk about dating, they do talk about women's looks.

But, really? In my conversations with women, it seems like women talk to each other about their looks even more. And are much more brutal and critical in evaluating each other's appearances than most men would be.

So, let's clear your head.

Do you think you're overweight? Most women do. Including the ones that aren't.

Do you constantly pick at other flaws? Your clothes? Hair? Anything else?

Okay, maybe it's time to take the advice that I give to most guys: Get an honest, but flattering full-body picture of yourself, and put it up on Hot or Not. Yeah, I know, it seems weird. But, usually women do much better on this website than they think they'll do.

If you're an 8 or above - you'll probably have more male attention on eHarmony than you know what to do with. Relax, and decide which guys are worthy of your attention.

If you're a 7? You're perfectly normal. Just put up your pictures. There are going to be a lot of guys who like you. Maybe not as many as the 8+'s - but you're going to get quality guys talking to you. Not just a bunch of guys who are only thinking with their hormones.

If you're a 6? You probably just need better pictures. Follow the advice that I gave to the guys - have a lot of pictures taken. You'll probably get some in the 7's.

If you're a 5 or below... most of the time, the problems are fixable. I've always said that male looks depend more on style and grooming than anything else. This is true for women, too.

Find some of your attractive female friends. Ask for some suggestions. I bet you'll be surprised about how little you have to do to improve your appearance.

And, yes, if you really are overweight (Google "BMI calculator", and type in your height and weight), it is harder.

But, guess what? You'll still find guys who will find you attractive.

The best thing you can do about your looks? Be confident. Don't apologize.

Put them up. And be honest.

Because, let's face it. If a guy isn't attracted to you... you don't want to meet him anyway. Right?

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