Wednesday, July 18, 2007

She's into you when...

Pickup artists have written many book chapters and articles about "indicators of interest" - basically, signs that a woman is interested, and ready for an escalation of the relationship. Generally, these are subtle changes in body language and behavior.

Online, however, you can't go by the same signs.

So, what are some of the online signs that you've got a strong hold on a woman's attention? Here's a short list.

  • She's asking a TON of questions, relating to conversational hooks you've left in your profile. She wouldn't ask, if she weren't intrigued.
  • Long, drawn out answers to phase 3 questions, or to the "gentler" questions you ask in open communication. Long, drawn out answers generally mean that she's trying to prove herself worthy of your attention. And she's working to meet your standards.
  • In her answers, she's talking about a relationship with you, as if it already existed, or were to happen. If she's not comfortable about that idea, she won't put herself there.
  • If she mentions sex outside of the "Must haves/can't stands" list... she's either VERY comfortable with you, or she's trying to get your attention. Both can be very good things.
  • Quick response times. (Still... limit interaction to 3 times a day, maximum.)
  • She compliments you. (And if she does this, accept the compliment!)
  • Teasing/flirting/attention-seeking behavior. She wouldn't be doing these things, if she didn't want your attention.

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