Thursday, July 26, 2007

For those dirty, dirty boys...

Okay... your image isn't working on eHarmony (or a date), and you're feeling like you need to clean things up.

First - you've got to go to basics. And literally clean up. Because the first thing that will kill anyone's appearance is the appearance that they're unhygenic. Or sick.

Some of these things should be obvious. It's a rare guy who will have problems with everything on this list. Odds are, you'll be reminded about a couple of things on this list... But those one or two things can make a big difference.

  • Obvious points here: You need to wash yourself. And if you're moving past the eHarmony phase, you need to make sure you don't have body odor. Shower often. Use a deodorant soap, and deodorant. If you still smell bad... figure out why.
  • If you've got skin problems, you need to treat them. If you have acne, don't ignore it - treat it. Same with oily skin, peeling skin... or any other skin conditions. Over the counter products are fine, if they solve the problem. If you can't solve them with over the counter medications, see a dermatologist.
  • Keep your ears clean. Use a Q-Tip.
  • If you've got hair, cut it monthly.
  • Your hair needs to look clean and hygenic. If it's oily, or dry... do what you need to do to fix it.
  • Do what you need to do to keep your hair looking natural, and in-place. Unless you're lucky, you'll probably need to do a lot of trial and error with hair products to find what works for you.
  • Most men do best without facial hair (except for eyebrows). Unless you're really getting a lot of compliments on it, experiment with getting rid of it. If you don't get compliments on cleaning up, you can always grow it back.
  • "Facial hair" includes ear hair, nose hair, and any other hair where it shouldn't be. Trim regularly.
  • If your eyebrows get overgrown, have the barber cut them when you get your hair cut.
  • Tweeze out stray eyebrow hairs on a regular basis.
  • If you have facial hair that works for you... keep it clean, well-trimmed, and neat.
  • If you wear glasses, keep 'em clean.
  • Brush twice daily. Floss daily.
  • See a dentist regularly.
  • If you still have bad breath - fix it.
  • If you've got yellow teeth, fix them. I've heard (from dentists that I trust) that Crest Whitestrips are safe, and they've worked well for me. Use the "Premium Plus" formula - it is more powerful. Be aware that the whitening treatments are not permanent, and will need to be repeated to keep your teeth white. If they don't work... consider professional whitening.
  • I know it's expensive - but you might consider fixing crooked or missing teeth.
  • If they're not clean, don't wear them.
  • If they're wrinkled when they shouldn't be... don't wear them.
  • If they're faded or stained, when they shouldn't be... don't wear them.
  • If they've got holes, missing buttons, rips, or loose threads... don't wear them.
  • If they don't fit, don't wear them.
  • Yes, shoes count as "clothes". And follow the same rules.
Your body
  • Have good, but not stiff posture. Make good eye contact.
  • You can do okay if you're overweight... but it's much easier if you're not. If you decide to lose weight, don't go for "quick fixes", they don't work for long. Personally, I've lost 65 pounds and kept it off for over 3 years on a Weight Watcher's plan...
  • Going to the gym, and lifting weights will help.
Obvious? Yeah. But necessary, if you want to look decent.

Style rehabilitation tomorrow...

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