Monday, March 26, 2007

War Journal, 3/26/07

Here's this weeks stats:

Closed matches
One closed in open communication - Too vague in communication, no photos.
Closed the one that was in limbo because neither of us really wanted to make the phone call...
One closed before communication - lives too far away.
One closed - student living 3 hours away.
One closed - No photos, minimal answers to questions... probably an abandoned profile.
One closed me, citing "other".
One closed due to lack of response.

Active matches
5 who have not answered initial questions. Suspect one's inactive. (Makes reference to fall and winter as being romantic times to meet someone.)
One waiting for open communication - kinda borderline, but I'm willing to meet...

Match in limbo
Waiting for open communication on one - mentioned her father's dying, so I'm willing to wait.

Yes, it's slow. Most people who follow my advice have higher percentages - remember, I'm only searching for a religion present in 1% of the population, and have expanded my search to include a large city 3 hours away. If I lived in that city, I wouldn't expand my list to include my area.

But, even then... this is unusually slow. Hmm...

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