Friday, March 2, 2007

Photo secrets of the supermodels

Okay, we've finished the text of your "About me" profile. Now, it's time for the photos.

Bad news: Yes. The photos are very important to your success on eHarmony.

Good news: Almost everyone can get good enough pictures to do well on eHarmony.

The first secret?

Do what the supermodels do.

Pick up a copy of a tabloid sometime. And take a look at the candid photos that the paparazzi take.

These women look a lot different than they do in posed magazines, movies, and television settings, don't they?

You're right. In those settings, they have an army of people selecting (or making) clothes, applying tons of makeup, their hair is re-done millions of times, and the lighting is scientifically controlled. You can't do most of these things. And you shouldn't try. Photos that are too professional make many women suspicious. (We'll talk more about that later.)

The other important factor?

They take tons of takes.

Even under perfect controlled conditions, the photographers still throw away over 99% of the photos they take. Because they just aren't good enough.

So... if supermodels need tons of pictures taken before they get "good" photos... you should too.

This weekend (and from now on), make a commitment. Get a lot of pictures taken. Don't change your life. Live it like normal. Go out and do what you do to have fun.

Just have lots of pictures taken. We'll start sorting through them on Monday.

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