Wednesday, March 28, 2007

Don't sweat the physical stuff

As I've mentioned, if you've done the right things during communication, and the woman doesn't have too many of her own "mental game" issues to deal with, she should be showing signs of interest. Quickly.

Unfortunately, when you're in a cycle of failure, initiating physical contact creates a lot of worry. Thoughts run through your head... Am I being too aggressive? What if she gets angry?

Relax. Most mature women have dealt with men who have been too aggressive. And they have the social skills to politely turn you down without losing face.

It's really no big deal.

On the other hand, when she is ready, and you don't initiate physical contact, women either assume that you aren't interested, or you don't know what you're doing. And that is a deal-killer.

So, if she's showing interest... you need to establish physical contact quickly.

Start small. Tap her on the hand, and see how she reacts. If she shows more signs of interest... escalate.

Even if you're at a table, you can still establish playful physical contact. Gentle kicking. Comparing hand sizes. Thumb wrestling. Palm reading.

If things are going well... say you want to go somewhere else. If you're at a bar, bar-hop. If you had dinner, suggest desert somewhere else. If it's an activity, take her for a snack or drink. Offer your arm, and lead her.

Gently squeeze her hand. If she squeezes back, she's very interested and in-tune.

... and, when you're ready to go for the kiss, find some place that's a little isolated.

And, again, don't be afraid. If she doesn't want to be kissed, she'll make it pretty obvious, and it isn't really a big deal.

... and if you need more advice, there's plenty of "kino escalation" guides on the internet.

So, that's how it goes when everything's smooth. But, what if she's giving mixed signals?

We'll talk about that tomorrow.

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