Wednesday, March 21, 2007

After Boot Camp: Keeping your eyes open

I hope that some of you have enjoyed last week's "Boot Camp" series... and are starting to think of themselves in a new light.

A lot of times, people assume that they're unsuccessful with women because they're unattractive. Hopefully, this "boot camp" has started to show you that women are attracted to you... but you've been missing the signs.

I've been there, myself. I went through the same process that I suggested to you.

Now that your eyes are open... it's time to do what's necessary to maintain this belief.

Basically... don't spend so much time in your apartment. Get out. Do things.

Talk to strangers, and make it a habit. Don't just target women - talk to everyone. Engage in "small talk".

If you're not in public, and you're not acting socially... you can't see if women are interested in you or not!

When you're out, dress presentably. (It's hard to be attractive if you're dressed in rags, yes?)

And... keep on looking for signs that women are interested.

An internet search will probably bring up many pickup artists lists of "IOIs" (or Indicators of Interest). Start looking for them.

If you're talking to a group of people, and a woman tries to interrupt to talk to you... it's probably because she's interested.

If she's turning toward you... it's a sign of interest.

If she makes eye contact and smiles... it's a sign of interest.

If she tries to continue a conversation after you've signaled it's time to go... it's a sign of interest.

Turning these signs of interest into a successful "pickup" isn't the purpose of this site - there are much better teachers out there. This isn't the point of this exercise. (In fact, many teachers advise against looking for indicators of interest before making a pickup attempt.)

It's to make sure that you never stop believing in your attractiveness. The evidence is always around you. You just need to open your mind and see it.

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