Tuesday, August 5, 2008

Where's the good stuff?

There's an interesting phenomena that I've noticed on the Google Group.

People often struggle with their online profiles. They keep fussing and fighting over what the "right thing" is to do.

Yet, every once in awhile, in these essays where people are struggling to come up with the "right answer", there's a phrase that really "breaks through".

People reply, "Hey, that's really good."

Usually, the guy replies, "You know, I wasn't really trying. It just kind of came out that way."

To which I reply - That's why it worked.

There was no attempt to impress. Or to be "right".

What you have is a genuine element of your personality.

And those glimpses are rare, among the try-hard attitudes that prevail on eHarmony.

So, relax. And write.

Edit later.

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