Monday, August 11, 2008

Don't blend in - take a few risks.

Another common error that I see guys making is in their fashion choices.

A lot of guys tend to wear the same reliable, age-worn standards that everyone else wears.

In other words, clothing that makes you blend in with the crowd around you.

Well, you're trying to look different from the other photos. You're not trying to blend in.

Don't take this too far. You don't want to look like a social misfit, clown, or a guy who's mugging for attention. But you might want to try taking a few calculated risks with your fashion.

Try a few new things.

See what clothes make people pause and say, "Hey, that's a nice _____."

For me, brighter colors have helped. As well as clothes that show my physique a little better.

But, definitely, experiment. And see what works for you.

A little more about this tomorrow...

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