Wednesday, May 9, 2007

Fresh from the lab: A new trick to get better pictures!

From time to time, I shake my head, and marvel at how subtle pressures can have such a dramatic impact...

Faithful readers have probably read my advice regarding matches who don't supply pictures - basically, don't show her yours until she either supplies one, or you're exchanging must haves/can't stands. And this worked pretty well.

Lately, though, I haven't had to do this.

I've added just a couple of lines to my profile. And now... no one goes that far in communication without providing photos.

In fact, people who only provided a headshot, after reading my profile, add more pictures.

So, what are the lines that I added?

They came at the bottom of the profile... the call to action.

"I look forward to communicating with you... Well, most of you, anyway. ;-) (If you think that last sentence is odd, ask me about the swell GUY that I met on eHarmony.)"

Yup. They realize that they need to prove that they're not a guy. So - they're providing the pictures to prove it. I don't even need to ask.

And, no, I'm not noticing any more closes since I started using this.

I still consider this "fresh from the labs", in that I haven't done this for very long. But so far, the results are looking promising.

But don't copy it word for word. Make it fit your personality, profile, and experience.

Another "From the labs" development tomorrow...


Uncle Fester said...

I may be a little dense, but I don't see that as a call to share pictures. I added this to the bottom of my profile, direct to the point: "I have shared my pictures and personality profile and hope you will do the same."

Scott Grey said...

It's subtle... but it's working well.

The goal of the profile is to generate interest. My statement is friendly, humorous, implies that I have some interesting stories... a host of positive qualities. And it subtly signals a woman that she's not going to go far unless she's willing to prove that she's NOT another guy.

If your way isn't working... you might want to give mine a try.

And thanks for reminding me - I never posted my perspective on making personality profiles public...