Thursday, November 15, 2007

When you SHOULDN'T be in the game

Life can be overwhelming sometimes.

People can have all kinds of problems. Job problems. Financial problems. Family problems. Deaths in the family.

And, yet... that eHarmony membership still looms overhead. Paid subscription time is ticking away. You fear that great women might pass you by.

Do yourself a favor. Don't even think about that stuff.

As more time goes by, I'm discovering that one of the keys to doing well in this "game" is to have fun. Because, when I'm not having fun, I don't do well.

And if life stresses bring me to a point where I'm unable to do that... I'm doing everyone a favor when I turn off the matching for awhile, and focus on fixing whatever it is that's stressing me out.

So I lose a little "paid subscription time". Big deal. It's not like I'm going to do well when I'm in a funk.

And a few women might find other guys. Big deal. There are plenty more women on eHarmony to meet.

So, if you're in a bad space, take a break. And return when you're ready to have fun again.


Dave said...

I think this is one of the big reasons why there's OC Hell... Dating isn't a, or at least shouldn't be a "top priority" compared to other things going on.

Scott Grey said...

Well, if she's REALLY that distracted by real problems, she's doing you a favor by not meeting you. I just lean back and tell 'em to call me when things settle.

If you're so low on her list of priorities that you can't meet... you haven't generated enough interest. And there's only one weapon that MIGHT work in THOSE situations. I'll do an article on that later.

The Most Awesome Guy In The Universe said...

So here's something.

Right after I met this special someone last Sunday, we both had some fairly serious traumatic events happen, at the same time. Both of us are committed to moving forward (in my case, I'm losing a grandparent, but I knew this was coming, I'm prepared for it, and I know his attitude on life is "live it, dammit!") and we're just going to take the punches as they come.

We're going dancing on Sunday night.