Thursday, June 7, 2007

Pre-Date Banter: The Photo Game

Another pre-date game that's worked well for me is "The Picture Game".

This game works well with camera phones, but can work well with email and scanners/digital cameras/etc.

It really needs no particular introduction, or clear structured rules. Just start by sending a picture.

What picture do you send? Depends. If she said that she enjoys art (and you do too), send a picture of some art you own, and caption it.

If you both like travel... send an interesting picture from your last trip.

You get the idea.

And after you send the picture, tell her it's her turn to send you one.

If she doesn't... tease her.

And keep on bouncing the pictures back and forth.

1 comment:

Net Penguin said...

I like this game... one thing that you will notice as you start meeting the people from online to offline. People can really look quite DIFFERENT than their photos.

So one way to "manage expectations" is to just get more photos and I think this method provides a way to do it in a playful and casual manner.

Before, I would straight out ask for more photos, saying.. hey you got any more recent photos, the one you have online is not so clear.

This approach has always worked and sure enough I'll get more pictures. But I think making it into a game could be more fun. Say let's exchange vacation photos... send me your most recent vacation photos and I'll send you some of mine. (Be sure to mention *recent*... even with that... things can drastically change in a short amount of time).

Oh and be sure that you also have some photos you can exchange too.

I think the best gimmick I heard for this technique is to pull up MS Paint... start drawing some stick figures and then label it self-portrait/me or family. Now you can use it to send as a playful response... if you're dealing with an artistic type you can even say hey I'm a artist too... here's a self-portrait I made... :)

Of course using the other principals mentioned... you would be building attraction beforehand, mentioning you also do drawing on the side... that she just HAS to see.

Taking it further you can even mix some qualification in to build even more attraction with: "I too enjoy art, in fact I have this great piece that I've been working on. I can send you a snapshot... but I'm not quite sure if you can handle it since it's fairly abstact."

So there's some qualification and challenging in there... which all builds attraction and intrigue.

It's not a Neg, which I don't think are very effective at all online...nor do I really even like them offline either.

Happy sharing!