Wednesday, February 28, 2007

Want a date? Get a life.

A lot of my readers ask me, "What are some good places to take a date to?"

I answer politely... but most guys don't realize why that's such a bad question to ask.

Most guys, when they plan a date, try to impress a woman. They take them somewhere "nice", hoping that being "nice" will help them be with the girl.

Unfortunately, most women see "nice" as "doing whatever you feel like you need to do to get in my pants".

And asking, "What's a good idea for a date" puts you even further in that spiral of trying to be someone that isn't you, in the hope that the woman will think you're "nice".

I look at dates in a completely different way.

It's a chance to do something fun, and see how this woman fits in.

What's fun? That's different for everyone. What do you usually like to do on a weekend?

If you think that's too boring... maybe it's time to try some new things?

For me, some of my favorites are ethnic food and art shows.

Because... if a woman isn't interested in trying new foods... she's not adventurous enough for me.

And if a woman can't hold a decent conversation at an art show... It's a sign that we may not have too much in common.

And if she has a good time... I know that we have something in common.

A few tips on date selection:
  • Don't strain your bank account. If you're a college student, very inexpensive or free dates are best. When I mentioned ethnic food - it's cheap, enjoyable, and presents absolutely no strain on my budget whatsoever. Expensive dates are a bribe.
  • Choose an activity where you can talk, and where playful touch would be OK. Movies and shows are particularly bad places for early date venues, because it's difficult to have a conversation.
  • Don't make the first dates long. An hour at the most. It's uncomfortable to sit with someone longer when you realize early on in the date that you don't enjoy each others' company...
  • If you want to extend the date, consider changing venue. But don't make it a marathon. You want her to feel like the date was too short, not too long.

Just pick something where you have fun. Because you deserve someone who can also have fun sharing your life.

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