Thursday, February 1, 2007

How to say who you are

Your next question is, "Other than your appearance, what is the first thing that people notice about you?"

Most people, at this point, launch into a sales pitch. And this can be a mistake.

When women are reading these statements, their "bullshit detector" is turned to high.

They're looking for inconsistencies.

If a guy says that he's intelligent, but can't name a good book... the bullshit detector goes off.

If a guy says that he's cool, but is unable to talk about the "cool" leisure activities he does... there's another alarm.

And if a guy goes into long-winded puffery with a list of ungrounded adjectives... a woman begins to think he's just trying hard to say anything that might please someone.

By reading the other sections of your profile, a woman already has a pretty good first impression of what your personality is like. (And, if she can't... her first impression is going to be that you're a spineless weasel. But if you follow my advice, you won't develop that impression.)

So, your mission, during this question, is to avoid tripping the "bullshit detector".

Your answer to this question should be short. Just say, "People notice that I'm"... and name at most three adjectives. And these adjectives must be congruent with the rest of the profile.

Don't sell yourself. Let the rest of the profile do it for you. Just state that you know who you are.
And, yes, this should be a single-sentence answer. Unlike the average chumps, you don't need a sales pitch. They can already see that you're a desirable guy. And you know that the best products in the world don't need to be sold.

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