Friday, February 2, 2007

Yes, it's counterintuitive...

By now, you've probably read some of my advice. Some of you may be trying it out, and having better results.

Some of you are probably hesitant.

A lot of my readers will find my template counterintuitive. It goes against most of the "typical" models our readers follow.

For some, it may seem very odd that a profile in which you casually talk about, but do not sell yourself could work.

Others may think that you talk about yourself too much in my template. Sometimes this is from the fear that some women won't like them. Others, from a belief that you have to be a complete mystery to a woman to obtain an attraction.

It's counterintuitive... so where does this template come from?

It comes from a mental attitude that, in the end of the journey, I hope that all of you can share.

It's based in self-confidence. A self-confident man knows who he is, and isn't afraid to say it. And he knows that a woman who doesn't like who he is... isn't the right woman for him.

It's based in self-value. If you don't make a woman believe that you value yourself, it's hard for a woman to value you. A man with self-value knows that he does not have to change himself, become "everyman", or offer gifts, bribes, or anything else to get a woman interested in him. He knows he's a great catch, and that his attention is reward enough.

When you don't show these things... your profile does not look genuine. It looks like you're trying to say anything, just so you can land any woman. And few women will lower themselves to meet someone like that. (Well, maybe a few women will. But not the good ones.)

It's hard to teach someone to have these qualities. But I can teach how people who have these qualities act when they sit down to write a profile. So... that's where the template comes from.

And the funny thing is... as you start to get responses, you start to become that person. When I, and another person that I tested this "system" on, started to modify our profiles, we found ourselves deluged with more people to communicate with than we could handle.

And, suddenly, we weren't going for just anyone. We couldn't. We were just too busy.

And, suddenly, those matches didn't seem so rare. We could turn people down. In fact, we had to. Sometimes, very arbitrarily.

On dates, we weren't needy anymore. We didn't try to force a relationship that wasn't going to work. We knew that, if the date didn't work out... we had more women lined up.

And that's what this is about. It's about becoming that great guy who doesn't have to sell (or change) himself to get a woman's attention. And it's about you becoming the selector.

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