Thursday, January 25, 2007

Bribes don't work!

While I'm on the subject of answering specific sections of the "About me" profile... there is a category of answers that must be avoided in your profile.

Those of you who received my welcome package already know them well...

The "bribe" answers.

The goal of your profile is to describe why you're an interesting person. Sure, quality women won't mind if you make a lot of money, drive a nice car, and will treat a woman (who has earned his affections) well. But if you're not an interesting person... you're a suckup when you offer these things. And, if all you have to offer a woman is a bribe... you don't have any value.

You need to sell her on your personality, not on bribes. And if you need to know why... you really need to ask for my welcome packet.

Why do I bring this up now?

Because there are several "multiple choice" answers that offer these unappealing bribes.

In your "Three Relationship Strengths" section, I would avoid:

"You are good at motivating others toward positive goals"
"You are a dependable and caring partner"
"You tend to work hard at making sure that others are happy"
"You are excellent at listening to the concerns of others"
"You are good at helping others to reach their goals"
"You are skilled at being diplomatic with people in all settings"
"You like to be supportive in a relationship"
You are very respectful of the needs and wants of other people"
"You tend to give others a sense of self-reliance and strength in a relationship"

Note the emphasis of these answers. They focus on how you make others feel and not what you are. And, unless the woman is sure that they like who you are, these things become shallow bribes.

Other bribe traps?

Best life skills: avoid "Creating romance in a relationship", and "Earning income to provide for my family".

Under four things your family say about you: "Romantic".

And in your open-ended questions... focus on who you are, not on what you offer.


Unknown said...

Seems that the Three Relationship Strengths section is gone from About Me. I wonder when eHarmony took it off...

Scott Grey said...

Hmm... they did, didn't they?

Along with the rest of the "checkbox" traits.

I thought they were pretty lame anyway. I don't really miss them.