Monday, January 15, 2007

And so, it begins...

Here it is. My first attempt to come out from behind my focus groups.

People probably need an introduction... so here it is.

What is eHarmony Cracked all about?
eHarmony can be a great way to expand your social circle, and meet "compatible" women that you, otherwise, may not have met.

Unfortunately, although eHarmony is good at matching people who may be "compatible", it does little to help its members present themselves in the most appealing way possible.

What will we be talking about?
I have quite a few things that I'll be blending together in this site. My emphasis will be on areas where I believe I can provide unique insights. These include:

  • The mental game - In PUA circles, this is often called, "Inner Game". Unfortunately, people who are unsuccessful in dating fall into a spiral of failure. Seeing themselves as failing, they try harder to please a woman. Unfortunately, these behaviors signal that you're wounded... and women prefer to stay away. In my "Mental game" articles, we'll talk about how you recognize these behaviors, and how to change them. And, in the process... I bet you'll feel a lot better about yourself, as well!
  • Attracting through eHarmony - Once you've got the mental game down, this part becomes a lot easier. But, some people who are in the failure spiral need concrete examples of how people with proper "mental game" act. By following this advice... you should see improvements, from building attractive profiles, all the way through those first dates.
  • The "long game" - Many PUA sites give great advice on how to get through the first dates. Unfortunately, there's little written about how to maintain (or end) a long-term relationship. To be truthful, I don't think there CAN be any experts on this... but I'm going to give it a shot.
  • Ramblings - Hey, it's my blog. Sometimes, I'll just want to rant. Maybe you'll learn something, and maybe you won't, and maybe we'll have some good discussions in the "comments" sections.

Things that I'll talk about a little (but not a lot, because other sites cover them well):

  • The first dates. How to move from attraction in the virtual world to the real world.
  • Earning the "milestones". (Making out, escalating to sex, etc.)

Things I won't be talking about:

  • Bar/live pickup. There are TONS of good Pick-up websites and resources. (And, frankly, I suck. For me, it's an ineffecient way to meet the people that I want, so, I just don't get practice.)
  • Using other dating websites. Again, there are lots of good resources.

Who can be a member?

I've restricted this website to members. Basically, I only want this to be read by people who will actually use and contribute.

If you're reading this, you're a member.

If you know someone who would be a good member, email me. I'll add him or her to the list.

... but, you are responsible for the behavior of your guests. If you invite a lot of bad guests, you risk losing your membership. So, choose your friends wisely.

A few words from our lawyers

This site is not affiliated with, sponsored by, or related in any way to If you would like to visit their site, please use the following link: .

By reading this blog, you agree to all of the following:

  • This is to be used for entertainment, and not considered professional advice.
  • You are responsible for any use of the information in this blog.
  • If you are under 18 years old, email me immediately. This list is only for people over the age of 18.

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