Wednesday, June 18, 2008

The universal answer to early dating questions.

Okay, I can't answer every single dating question out there... no matter how hard I try.

But, at least in the first few dates, there's one rule that I use to answer most of those tricky questions.

The rule?

"If a same-sex acquaintance did this to me, what would I do?"

And, ninety-nine times out of a hundred, that's the answer.

How soon should I call her after _____? What would I do with an acquaintance?

Should I meet with her after she _____? What would I do with an acquaintance?

You get the idea.

And, yes, after a few dates, she can move from "acquaintance" to "friend".

But make her earn that status. Even if she IS mind-numbingly hot.

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