Monday, March 24, 2008

"Cut and Paste" - a growing epidemic

Sometimes, I wish that Google would tell folks, "You really should be ashamed of yourself for asking this."

Unfortunately, one of the most common ways that people discover my website is through a Google search for answers to questions that eHarmony asks on the profile. Or during guided communication.

It is a growing problem - even the Wall Street Journal has written an article about the "copy and paste" phenomenon. (And, while I'm on an honesty kick - Alex pointed this article out to all of us in our Google Group.)

Well... fellow readers know that I'm not a big fan of this approach. And I don't provide copy-and-paste answers.

And I have a couple of reasons for that.

I'll admit - some if my reasons are selfish. My profile works pretty well, and I don't want to have the same profile that uses the same phrases as thousands of others. Don't worry though - you're not missing much. It reflects my personality - but I'm definitely no Shakespeare.

The second reason? Your answers need to reflect you. And, in my experience, honest and confident answers perform much better than any clever, seductive, or witty "cut and paste" phrase.

So... if you're looking for cut-and-paste answers to eHarmony questions... You're going to be disappointed.

But, if you'd like to see what general frameworks are effective on eHarmony... read on. You're in the right place.

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