Friday, December 7, 2007

Quality #3: Listen critically.

Hormonal thinking is a funny thing.

When we're with an attractive woman, and the hormones start kicking in, a lot of us see what we want to see, and hear what we want to hear.

Unfortunately, when we're like this, it's rarely attractive.

Women tell us important things when they talk to us.

Sometimes it's a matter of body language. Volumes have been written on "indicators of interest" and "indicators of disinterest". When she's showing interest, you need to advance, or things will start getting weird. If she's showing disinterest, listen for awhile - she'll either tell you why, or she feels that you're getting too warm before you've demonstrated that she's earned your attention.

Sometimes, she'll put her "stuff" out there quickly. For example, when a woman talks about her plans to leave the city in a month... you can bet that she's not looking for a long-term relationship. And will probably become very uncomfortable if you act like you're looking for one from her. (Probably with a reaction of, "Aww... that's sweet, but I can't see myself with you that way." And a quick dumping, before things get more uncomfortable for her.)

So, when she's talking... don't leap to agreement or awe. Listen. Critically. And demonstrate playful curiosity.

If she's interested in you, she wants to earn, and qualify for your attention.

Don't disappoint her. Unless you want to.

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