Tuesday, December 11, 2007

Nerd power!

A common theme in the seduction community, and among our readers, is something that I like to call "The Nerd Factor".

Let's face it. Being a nerd can be a difficult thing when you're growing up.

Nerds, by definition, are very bright. They see the world a little differently. And they value the idea of being "right".

In middle school and high school, though, nerds tend to be socially shunned. Because, to a teenager, people who are "different" and "difficult to understand" are socially shunned. (Or worse.)

When nerds grow up, though, things start to turn around. Because these same characteristics - intelligence, fastidiousness, and "out of the box thinking" often make nerds very successful.

Believe me, I know. I'm a nerd myself.

And, yes, with a little effort, nerds can also be very successful in dating as well.

First of all, don't be afraid to use your strengths.

Intelligence, success, and insightfulness are very good things. They're sexy to a lot of women - just ask any of my ex-girlfriends.

Sure, they're scary qualities for a few women - but do you really want to be with someone who doesn't value what you have to offer? Let 'em date the folks that are in their league.

And your childhood experiences? They're a part of what makes you a mature adult. You probably shouldn't talk about these things quickly, but, once some sense of attraction is there (i.e. at a point after which you could, or have, make out with her), the story of your difficult childhood, and how you've overcome it speaks very highly of your character. I (and many seduction artists) have often been surprised about how sharing these aspects of your development can deepen a woman's level of attraction.

The biggest problems nerds have? They emphasize the wrong stuff too quickly. And they try too hard to impress.

More detail tomorrow...

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