Tuesday, September 2, 2008

Hey, sensitive guys...

If you've seen my work on this blog, and in our Google group, you've probably noticed that I come down pretty hard on guys who try to distinguish themselves by being "in touch with their feelings", "sensitive", "nice", and so forth.

Is it bad to be in touch with your feelings as a guy?

No. It's not. But you have to be careful in how you show your sensitivity.

If you portray yourself as a spineless wimp - most healthy women won't want a relationship with a guy who's so "sensitive" that they never know what to do.

If you're offering or implying romantic bribes to women who you don't know... women assume that you have nothing else to offer them.

And if you're just spouting cliches - well, intelligent women know that you're full of it. And they'll stay far away.

And sensitivity, alone, is usually not enough to attract attention.

But... hints toward a sensitive side might be okay.

Enthusiasm toward the arts can be attractive. Service toward worthy causes, as well.

Things that show strength and sensitivity.

Don't try to "fake it". Women see right through fakery.

But genuine, subtle hints toward your emotional maturity can make you more attractive.

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