Friday, January 11, 2008

A One-Day Experiment

Okay, guys. I'm going to hit a touchy subject today. At least for a lot of you.

But don't worry. I'm not going to force you to make a big change today. I don't think I can do that.

But I'd like you to try something a little different for just one afternoon this weekend.

And if you don't like it... you can go back to the way you did things before.

Are you ready?

Okay, pick a free afternoon this weekend.

Got your weekend afternoon picked out? Good.

Get a good night's sleep the day before.

That day, when you take a shower, pay more attention to your grooming than usual. Scrub yourself with a washcloth. Do what you need to do to fix your hair nicely. (If you can go to the barber the day before, it will help.) Spend extra attention on your shaving. Tweeze your eyebrows, ears, and nose. Trim your nails.

Find the best clothes you have. Most guys have one good suit for special occasions. That will be perfect. Make sure it's clean and well-pressed. (And if it needs retailoring, doing this in advance will help.) Wear matching socks. Wear your best shoes, and shine 'em.

Are you looking your best? Good.

Now, go to the mall.

If your experience is anything like mine, you'll notice a big difference right away.

When you go into a shop, salespeople will be much more attentive.

If you initiate conversation with people, they'll pay a lot more attention to you.

And, yes, women's body language will change significantly when you try to talk to them.

Bottom line? When you groom and dress yourself, people treat you a lot differently than when you don't.

And, if you're like me... you'll like the changes.

And you may decide to work on your appearance a little more.

Trust me, it helps.

I know, I know. You're the same person, no matter how you're dressed. It seems unfair that people would treat you differently because of your looks. And, maybe you feel comfortable in your own grooming or dressing pattern. I know that I did.

But, in the end, life is so much easier when you dress well.

And, if you don't believe that... just try it for one day.


The Most Awesome Guy In The Universe said...

Yep, no argument here. I'm throwing out a bunch of clothes this weekend that I just won't wear any more. I've got three pairs of dress shoes (NICE dress shoes) and several sports jackets that I use for dates.

And dressing nicely can help to switch up your self image - I feel sharp and with it when I dress nicely. Of course, people at first were teasing me about "Oh, are you going on a date?" at work, but it's changed a bit since then.

Rosalyn said...

Same deal for the gals...I used to think who cares about how long my hair is...well apparently the guys do! A friend of mine eloquently put it like's just hair....just like honey to the bees. So it may take abit to attract but then once you've got their attention then you can show them what you're like on the inside.