Friday, April 6, 2007

What do YOU want to see next?

Well, folks... it's time for me to go on vacation. I'll be returning in a little over a week.

Come to think of it... I've basically posted the "core" of my system.

How's it working?

What have been your success stories?

What are your sticking points?

What would you like me to write about when I get back?

Leave a comment.

Don't be shy. The squeaky wheels WILL get the grease when I return.


Monk said...

Ok, guess I'll be the first to squeak...

Hmm…here’s a suggestion as far as new topics go. For those in this for a long term relationship could you give your thoughts on how to proceed after you've screened and found a person who fits what you're looking for in a partner? What do you think the best ways to frame and then maintain a relationship, in terms of keeping it healthy and balanced?

Also feel free to tear my profile a new one on here anytime you'd like to go over that portion of the process again. Like I said in my email the women that I find myself most interested in tend to close before even starting the communication process and I'd like to do something about that if I could. Let me know if you’d like to see the original before commenting on the modified one I sent.*squeak-squeak*

Think that's about it from me. Have a great vacation.

Scott Grey said...

Rainy day in Florida... thought I'd make a quick visit.

Monk - I'll catch up with your profile when I get back.

Everyone else - I'm willing to go with what Monk says, but I've noticed that readership goes down after I write "long game" articles. Do YOU want to see them? Or do you want to see something different?

If "something different"... let me know what.

Net Penguin said...

Great Blog! Lot's a good tips and hints.

I liked how you blend some PUA concepts into the eH process. Although, I don't agree with all the PUA methods, I still think there's some concepts that are very useful.

The profile case studies are also great for showing tips, hints and gothcas.

One technique which I started to use, which I found here, was using the 2nd set of questions to your advantage. Before, I just picked from the standard set, instead you really should use it as an opportunity to show your personality, try to elicit values (EV), and show creativity. They actually DO take notice if you create a well-crafted 2nd set of questions.

I think trying to pickup on her values by reading beyond the words of the profile, how she answers the 1st set and even the 2nd set might be an interesting topic. That in itself can be a science. Based on the profile you can tailor your 1st set of questions, depending on her answers and must haves/can't haves you can craft even more insightful 2nd questions to really drill down into her important values. Once you know those things you'll have a much better game plan on what she really wants and how you can build attraction. I think that might be interesting to talk about.

Another topic, is the online transition to offline. I'm not sure if it's as easy as just a couple emails and then you can get them offline. I have not found it to be that simple. It might just be that my target group is just more shy, conservative or even non-serious... not sure. Most of the time I find people are just too busy. But in my experience I usually need to escalate the communication: eH Open Communication then personal e-mail then IM (sometimes skip) and then phone then face to face. Maybe I'm doing something wrong, but when I went for the number while in Open Communication I would get a close saying not ready for that step. Of course that could be a number of reasons and not because of anything I did. But I like to explore transitions from online to offline further and what other techniques could be used.

I've seen two major schools of thoughts on this, one is get to real-life as fast as possible, the other is keep building excitement and intrigue (almost up to a month online), and then she can't wait to see you. Many advise the former, since most people aren't good at writting and keeping the excitement alive and of course a month is a heck of a long time. But I like hear other thoughts on this.

This is great stuff and we all appreciate the content out here!

Scott Grey said...

Hey, Penguin! Glad you like the site!

Hmm... "How to REALLY listen to what a woman's saying"... great topic, and it's not one that most sites pay attention to. I'm putting it on my list.

I have some guesses as to why women might not be comfortable with giving their phone numbers to you... it might make a good "study case".

Shoot me an email at - We can go over some communication logs, and try to figure it out.

Unless you're happy with doing whatever you're doing now... in which case, never mind. :-)