Monday, October 1, 2007

Hitting on Scott Grey: A simple guide

At times, I sit back and marvel at the strange life this blog has taken.

At first, I thought this would be an easy "dumping ground" for my adaptations of pickup technique, applied to eHarmony. And I didn't think that too many women would be interested in what I had to say.

Well, I think this blog has outgrown its old purpose. It's become a social gathering place for men and women who use eHarmony and want to improve their dating lives.

And, well, since women are reading the blog... a few do decide to hit on me.

Hey, I don't mind. And I don't blame them either.

So, in my continuing efforts to educate, entertain, and let a few women down easy... I'm going to break away from eHarmony for just one column... and give advice on how to hit on me.

For casual meetings:
Hey, I'm a friendly guy. I'm always up for meeting fans of the blog. Men and women. But I'm not willing to travel. (Well, never say never. But it would have to be for something truly worthwhile. Or for a lot of money.) If you live (or you're visiting) the midwest, and you want to get together to chat sometime... go ahead and email me. If our schedules mesh - sure, we can get together and hang out.

And, please. Try not to jump me. At least, not right away. I know, it's hard to resist... but you need to show a little restraint. Okay?

If you want more than a friendly meeting...
If you're looking for more than a casual meeting... Yes, I'm single, I'm available, and I'm willing to meet folks. But I don't get into relationships with just anybody.

First of all, I'm going to eliminate the vast majority of you. If you don't live within reasonable traveling distance from me (again, I live in the midwest)... let's stick to casual meetings. Sorry, no woman is worth the cost, time, and hassle of regular air travel.

Also, as I've mentioned many times on the blog, I only date Jewish women.

So, there. I've eliminated 99% of you already. Sorry, ladies, try to handle the disappointment. And if you're having trouble, google "Oneitis". Trust me, there are plenty of great guys out there.

But, let's suppose that you're one of the 1% that meet these criteria. You've read my blogs, you think you might like me, and you wonder if you still have a chance.

Okay, here are the hurdles you'll have to overcome:

  • If you've read my blog, you know a lot about me. Unfortunately, I don't know anything about you yet. Essentially, your job is the same as the job you have to pull on an eHarmony profile - to let me know enough about you to raise my interest level.
  • You have to let me know (somehow) that you're Jewish, and live in the midwest.
  • I try to be friendly to my readers. It's in my nature to try to help folks. Ordinarily, these would be indicators that a guy is interested... but if I'm treating you like I treat any other reader, it's courtesy - not interest.
  • I don't hit on women who email me, unless they're leaving signs that they're interested. Again, it's part of being a gracious host. I value my female readers and participants. And hitting on them (when they've left no indication that such an advance would be welcomed) is a sure way to make them uncomfortable.
So, how do you overcome these problems?

I'll leave that up to your feminine wiles.

Have fun!


Unknown said...

Gee whiz, Scott. I thought we had something special.

BittenChick said...

Let's see ... I haven't lived in Chicago in three years, but my 4YG celebrated Hanukkah, so does that make me Jewish by osmosis?

Dang. So close, but so far away ... *Sniffle* ;-)

Scott Grey said...

HWF - Of course, you're special. Just not special in THAT way. (I'll let you insert the obvious "short-bus" joke here.) Have a lollipop. :-)

BC - I know, I know. Don't worry, I'm sure eHarmony will match you with some guys who are at least half as awesome as I am. :-) Seriously, though, if you visit Chicago, let me know. If our schedules mesh... Fun friends are always good. By the way, what the heck is a 4YG anyway?

BittenChick said...

LOL! Learn and love the acronyms, Scottie! 4YG = 4 Year Guy (or, relationship of 4 years existence), mostly because I was too lazy to come up with a better nickname. And all that's left for me in Chicago are bitter memories of 4YG's parents who liked to call me "shiksa", so I don't see meshsage on our horizons. But should you ever find yourself in the Southwest ... ;-)

Scott Grey said...

Hmm... scary coincidence.

Want me to add to that?

My last two serious girlfriends were both converts of Irish descent.

(Twilight zone theme plays in the background.)