Thursday, October 2, 2008

Those "card list" women...

A long time ago, I talked about something that I call the "Card List" - a place that I put women, who, for whatever reason, seem too difficult to have in a relationship, but, given time, might grow up a little.

Well, seeing as it's the Jewish New Year, I sent my usual batch of email cards out. With quite a few women replying.

So, what do I really do with them?

Well, if they just write back something along the lines of, "Happy New Year to you too", I don't do anything. People who write something like this are usually just being polite. Any response would probably be too much.

But, fair is fair. If my memories with them were particularly unpleasant, and I've got better women on the line... I'll usually talk about being busy, and drop things quickly.

And, yes, if you play this game, you will get a few "attention whores" - women who want the ego stroke of keeping you on the line. You'll usually be able to quickly figure out who these women are. And consider if they're worthy of your next card distribution.

But, yes. A few women, given time to mature, and the knowledge that you did move to greener pastures before... will start to come in line.

And they're the ones that (barely) make the card list worth it.

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